Vision & Values


Neerlandia Public Christian School offers many programs to meet the needs of a wide variety of students from kindergarten to grade nine. In elementary we offer an effective high quality program. In Junior High the flexibility provided by Alberta Learning is used to offer students additional time in the two basic subjects of Math and Language Learning. Students may choose from a variety of CTF (Career and Technology Foundations) at the Junior High grade levels.

As a Christian school, all students take Bible classes and Christianity is integrated in all aspects of the subjects and courses. Instructional assistance is provided to students who present a need. LLI (Levelled Literacy Intervention) is integrated into Gr. 1- 8 programs.

Working as a community under the guidance of the Word of God, we provide a good academic education which prepares students to translate their faith into action in all areas of learning and living. In short we are “teaching for transformation”.  The school staff is enthusiastic and dedicated to the well being of each student.

Students have the advantage in Neerlandia Public Christian School of belonging to a school environment where they will be known personally and where their gifts, talents and potential are not only fully recognized but are also fully needed.

Students are encouraged to participate fully in the spiritual, leadership, athletic, social and academic life of the school. In so doing they will do their part in creating a school community that will help them become outstanding members of our society and faith communities today and in the future.