Proposed School Fees for 2020 2021

School Fees Mostly Remain the Same for 2020-2021
Neerlandia Public Christian School’s fee schedule for 2020-2021 remains the same as last year with the exception of Elem. Music Trip fee, went up from $10. to $20. in order to cover some of the transportation fee. Last year we took the Gr. 3-6 students to the Winspear for a concert but the fee only covered the entry fee and fundraising covered the extra costs.
Please see Draft copy of the proposed fees for the 2020-2021 school year (see link below)
Remember that fee schedule amounts are the maximum the school would assign for each of the listed events/activities, but, in most situations, fees have and will continue to be
lower than the stated maximums. Fees listed in the annual schedule address costs for
field trip registrations, transportation, and related materials/equipment.

If you have any questions about the fees or would like to give us some feedback, please
email the principal,

NPCS – School Fees 2020 2021 DRAFT

Posted on: May 13th, 2020