Christian Education Week Apr 25 – 28 2022

NPCS theme for Christian Education week is ‘Community Builders‘ – We are ONE in Spirit in Faith in Body in God in our Father in Hope (Ephesians 4: 4-6)

We will have special assemblies with students to open and close Christian Education Week. We will also be doing some Home group activities (home groups is where all K-Gr 9 are mixed together in a group).  We will be hosting a Grandparents/Special Guest Tea on Wed., April 27 between 2:30 – 3:30. This will be held in the gym and we will have class presentations followed by tours and open door visits to the classrooms so our guests can see their grandchildren in their classrooms.

We are excited that we can have guests visit the school and we have the opportunity to praise God and worship together!


Posted on: April 22nd, 2022